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Indonesia Circular Economy Forum (ICEF) 4th

Indonesia Circular Economy Forum (ICEF) 4th

In the last 4 (four) years, the Greeneration Foundation has been vigorously promoting the circular economy in Indonesia. One of their initiatives is holding the Indonesia Circular Economy Forum (ICEF) as a platform that brings together numerous stakeholders to discuss the issues, challenges, and solutions in implementing the circular economy in Indonesia. In 2021 the Greeneration Foundation held the 4th Indonesia Circular Economy Forum which was offered virtually on July 21-23, 2021, with the theme – Towards Smart & Sustainable Cities Through Circular Economy: Building Resilience During COVID-19 Recovery.

Initially the event was to be held in a hybrid format, but due to the fact that COVID-19 case were increasing, ICEF 4th is going full virtual, in collaboration with Greeneration Indonesia and GiZ, Rethinking Plastic Indonesia. We helped organized 6 Plenary sessions, and 9 Thematic sessions within 3 days. Their requirements for the plenary sessions included, Virtual Event Organizing for up to 1000 participants, vMix Broadcasting, Live streaming to Youtube. For the thematic sessions, their needs included the basic requirements for a successful virtual event organizing right through to the need to use a Graphic Recorder for their summary.